infrared saunsas

Improve your heart health with Infrared Saunas

Not only are infrared saunas calming and relaxing for the body and mind, they are also proven to be good for your heart health (Cullen et al. 2020). Recent studies have connected the use of regular heat exposure therapies with a reduction in the risk of heart disease and fatal cardiovascular disease.

Scientists from a Finnish University tracked the health outcomes of 2,315 men over 20 years, finding that those who took saunas regularly had a dramatically lowered risk of sudden cardiac death and fatal coronary heart disease (Laukkanen et al. 2015).

 Finland is a country where there are 5.3 million people and 3.3 million saunas (Bosworth 2013), with 99% of their adult population taking a sauna at least once a week. Saunas are seen as an integral part of Finnish culture, and have been used in the region for pleasure and health for thousands of years (Bosworth 2013).

The passive heat of an infrared sauna can offer improvements in blood vessel health and a reduction in high blood pressure. Both of these health outcomes, resulting from long-term, regular heat therapy, is a significant contributor in the reduction of the risk of cardiovascular disease (Laukkanen et al. 2015).

Next time you have a restorative infrared sauna session, you can relax in the knowledge that the health benefits are more than skin deep, perhaps even having lifesaving effects on your heart.

Be in touch to see how we can support you in your infrared sauna journey towards improved heart health.

Infrared Sauna Repairs, Melbourne, Australia

+61 0499 826 814

One of our custom made infrared saunas, in Melbourne, Australia.

One of our custom made infrared saunas, in Melbourne, Australia.


Bosworth, Mark 2013 ‘Why Finland loves saunas’, BBC News, accessed 8 July 2021,

Cullen, T, Clarke, ND, Hill, M, Menzies, C, Pugh, CJA, Steward, CJ & Thake, CD 2020, 'The health benefits of passive heating and aerobic exercise: To what extent do the mechanisms overlap?', Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 129, no. 6, 2020/12/01, pp. 1304-1309.

Laukkanen, T, Khan, H, Zaccardi, F & Laukkanen, JA 2015, 'Association Between Sauna Bathing and Fatal Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality Events', JAMA Internal Medicine, vol. 175, no. 4, pp. 542-548.

The Benefits of Infrared Saunas on your Skin

Infrared saunas work effectively and without causing harm to detoxify and rejuvenate our largest organ, our skin.

The gradual warming heat of the infrared sauna opens our pores and helps us sweat out toxins, creating a natural by-product of softly glowing skin. The natural sweating that occurs in an infrared sauna helps our skin purge the dirt, grime and oil that builds up as part of day-to-day life. Don’t just take our word for it, peer-reviewed research provides evidence that infrared saunas act on the whole body and are indeed beneficial for our skin (Cristiano 2019).

The gentle warming of our skin that occurs in the infrared sauna also improves circulation, and with better blood flow we see clearer, softer and smoother skin.

The impact of stress on our skin is proven (Orion & Wolf 2013) and the gentle stress relief provided by some time alone or with a loved one in an infrared sauna can contribute to healing your skin ailments. The heat produced by infrared saunas (120˚f /48˚c) compared to traditional saunas (150-170˚f/65-75˚c) means the heat is less intense and leaves you feeling energised rather than drained (Fiorella 2017). The soothing infrared sauna experience relieves stress from within to benefit your whole body.

Infrared saunas are a natural, chemical free way to give our skin a cleansing, relaxing treatment and improve blood flow within our whole body. Be in touch to see how we can support you in your infrared sauna journey towards the glowing complexion of your dreams.

Infrared Sauna Repairs, Melbourne, Australia

+61 0499 826 814

Allan Burns, Custom Saunas Australia

Allan Burns, Custom Saunas Australia



Cristiano, L 2019, 'Use of infrared-based devices in aesthetic medicine and for beauty and wellness treatments', Infrared physics & technology, vol. 102, p. 102991.

Fiorella, V 2017, 'OFF DUTY --- Style & Fashion: Heat Advisory --- The buzz about infrared sauna therapies is growing, thanks to claims of detox benefits and stress relief, but do these sessions truly deliver?', The Wall Street journal. Eastern edition, 2017.

Orion, EMD & Wolf, RMD 2013, 'Psychological factors in skin diseases: Stress and skin: Facts and controversies', Clin Dermatol, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 707-711.