Once you have reached the point where you know you need to replace the Wall Control in your Home Infrared Sauna there are a few things you need to consider. Firstly the most obvious is the layout of the controller itself, is it Landscape or Portrait and what are the Dimensions. This is generally the easiest step, but makes the biggest impact on the look of the sauna after the repair, and on the ease of installation.
Health Mate, Komate, Luxo and other various Wall Controllers
The measurement of the controller will vary depending on how it is mounted, whether inside a timber frame, flush mounted on the surface or between two immovable aspects of the sauna. It is very important to get the last part right, as some saunas have a wall controllers mounted tightly between the door and the glass window. So long as the measurement is close to the suitable replacement, modifications can be made like installing wider timber trims, or cutting out a little more of the lining to recess it in.
The Functions of your current Sauna is next. Take note of all the buttons on your Wall Controller and what these perform/ed, at the basic level things like;
- Basic On/Off
- Temperature Selection
- Timer Function
- Light Switching (Internal/External)
- Chromotherapy Light Control
Other functions might also be;
- Onboard Audio (MP3, FM, Bluetooth)
- Reserve Function (Delay Start)
- Fresh Air Fan
- Secondary Heating Switch
In Most cases if the sauna has the functionality it can be re-connected and made to work again
Next is to work out the distance between the Wall Controllers and the Control Box. The Control Box is generally found in the ceiling under the lining but is sometimes either under the seat or in the wall bellow the Wall Controller. The reason this is important is that we need to know how long the cables will have to be that connect the Control Box to the Master Wall Controller and then to the Secondary Wall Controller (where applicable).
(The standard cabling lengths are detailed inside the descriptions of the controllers as they appear in the Online Store)
Red line indicating the approximate cable run from Wall Controller to Control Box
With all this information collected you now ready to select and purchase your Replacement Infrared Sauna Wall Controller and Control Box.
There is also optional Form that can be filled out with the information you have collected. Using this we can then help you choose and advise if any modifications will need to be made.
As always we are more than happy to help you through this process and guide you through a successful repair, so don’t hesitate to reach out via our Web Site or at; Service@customsaunasaustralia.com